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Under an evening Sky i

Smaller Prints

Under an evening Sky i

Dreaming of Space 02.jpg
Dreaming of Space 02.jpg
sold out

Under an evening Sky i


Size: 29.5cm x 29.5 cm

Printed to the edge of the paper.

Mono print Screenprint, from a series of 20.

This print is offered as part of the #artistssupportpledge by @matthewburrowsstudio. It's a monoprint - but from a series... so there are 10 similar prints - mixed screen printing, painting and hand finished with watercolour pencils. A bit about the artists support pledge. It's a scheme for artists and art lovers to support each other. We pledge to sell art for under £200 and when we have sold £1000 worth of art, we pledge to buy another artists work for £200.

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