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about me


About Me…

My name is Emma Reynolds. I live and work in London. For many years I worked as a full time motion graphics designer, achieving work that won BAFTAS, an EMMY and a D&AD pencil. Having come from a fine art background, receiving my degree in Bristol back in the day, I revived my interest with printmaking a few years ago and have gradually turned it into a full time practise. More recently I have been exhibiting paintings which I have been developing alongside my printmaking. I exhibit extensively in the UK, especially London, and more recently internationally. My print specialism is screenprinting, I like to paint in oils, but am also happy with acrylics and most of my work is created at my home studio in North London.

I like my work to bring a sense of space, calm and quiet optimism to an environment that it inhabits. I work with subjects that make me feel happier and more positive and emotions that I would like to share.

I have an MA in design for interactive media and also a PGCE in teaching art. I worked as the art interpretive officer for 2 years at Leicester City Gallery, where I ran workshops and talks to interpret the exhibitions held there. More recently I have completed the Studio Practice Course at Newlyn College of Art and have residencies planned for this year, firstly at Joya Air in Spain. I am always looking for ways to develop my creativity and meet and work with other creatives.

For most recent activity please follow my instagram account

I am happy to work to commission. Please get in touch on the email below.